Sunday, December 26, 2010

A treat that wound up in the trash

As I have been on a baking spree lately, I wanted to try a different treat. Armed with my recipe for chocolate rice pudding, I set to work. Unfortunately, this one didn't work. It was labor intensive, messy and wound up in the trash. I am not sure if I will try this again. Right now, I am really irritated because I wasted two cans of evaporated milk and the last of my cocoa for something that didn't work.

Me holding a handful of frozen cherries with the juice dripping all over my fingers.  This had pureed cherries in it.

Another shot of me holding the cherries.

Chocolate rice pudding before it wound up in the trash. 


  1. The cherry juice dripping on your fingers actually looks kinda gross...

  2. Aw....lighten need to take things so seriously. Anyone who knows me can tell you I like to mess around with my camera and take creative pictures. I had just gotten my nails done the other day and I thought it was great how my red nails matched the red cherries, which matched the red juice. You are the only person who had an issue with this picture, whomever you are.
