Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This time I got it RIGHT

On Christmas weekend, I tried to make chocolate rice pudding. This recipe was an epic fail and wound up in the trash. It didn't take me long to figure out where I went wrong: I mis-measured the rice and it messed up the whole recipe. Knowing that, I decided would re-visit this recipe when I replenished my supply of cocoa. Well, I did that this weekend as I needed it for an upcoming dinner party.

Today was one of those dreary, sunless and icy winter days. I took advantage of being homebound to re-visit this recipe. It required constant supervision, stirring and has probably ruined one of my best pots (it's soaking in the sink now) but if the little tastes I took while I was scooping it into individual portions are any indicator, it was worth EVERY minute. This came out rich, creamy, delicious, with an understated chocolate taste and just enough sugary goodness to satisfy a sweet-tooth. I am going over to my neighbor's later to share leftovers from last night and this creation and I hope she will love it as much as I do.

 Getting ready to slowly simmer to creamy goodness.....
                                                Off the heat, allowed to stand and thicken
 Five individual portions of chocolate rice pudding in Ikea cups
Five individual portions of chocolate rice pudding taken from another angle

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