Saturday, February 5, 2011

A taste of Marrakech in Montgomery Village

In previous posts, I have written about Gourmet Garden seasoning pastes. Armed with the Moroccan and Cilantro blends, I created Moroccan meatballs with cous-cous.

I made some changes: I baked my meatballs in the oven, I did not fry them as the recipe instructed. I also didn't serve it with the cilantro-flavored yogurt.

This was delicious enough by itself. The meatballs tasted like something I could get at my favorite Lebanese restaurant and the cous-cous was a delicious blend of roasted bell peppers, spinach and zucchini.

These seasoning pastes are truly amazing and I cannot wait to discover what else I can create with them.

Vegetable cous-cous on the stove.

Moroccan meatballs going into the oven.

Moroccan meatballs out of the oven.

Moroccan meatballs plated with vegetable cous-cous. 

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