Sunday, February 27, 2011

The best brownie recipe EVER

This was the most labor intensive brownie recipe I have ever done but produced the BEST brownies EVER. The brownies themselves took only 25 minutes to bake but the icing had to stand for an hour, then they had to chill for one hour after I iced them.

The result? Moist, fudgey chocolatey goodness. I am sure they will be a hit when my friends come over Tuesday night.

Iced and ready to go into the fridge to chill per recipe instructions.

14 of the most delicious, labor intensive brownies EVER. The recipe made 16. Guess where the other two are?


  1. Wow! These look great. You can look at them and tell they are moist.

  2. Looks yummy! Can't wait to try these.
    ~ Colleen
