Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Abs-so-lutely delicious creation

After the best, most burning ab muscles Zumba class EVER, I could not wait to get myself cleaned up and head into the kitchen to create a delicious meal. As I do the cooking for the week on Sundays, I like to make things that are delicious, reheat well and last for the week as I do not have time to cook.

Who needs that nasty, processed, overpriced Hamburger Helper when with a little extra work and fresh ingredients, you can get a delicious, savory creation such as this? This came together with egg noodles, lean ground beef, skim milk, reduced fat cheddar cheese, low sodium cheddar cheese soup, a can of Ro-tel, a green bell pepper and two fresh tomatoes. Once again, my burning ab muscles thanked me for this wonderful, post Zumba meal with a pleasing mixture of protein, dairy, carbs and vegetables.

Fresh out of the oven.....

Plated with a savory cheddar muffin....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info. I just clicked to follow-- I may need a few more recipies...Like the spinach cakes....Yummers!!!!!
